Jane the Virgin is an American satirical romantic comedy-drama television series developed by Jennie Snyder Urman, that debuted on The CW on October 13, 2014. It is a loose adaptation of the Venezuelan telenovela Juana la Virgen created by Perla FarÃas. The series stars Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva, a working, religious young Latina virgin, who becomes pregnant after being artificially inseminated by mistake. The program parodies commonly used tropes and devices in Latin telenovelas. Jane the Virgin has received critical acclaim since its premiere. At the 72nd Golden Globe Awards, Gina Rodriguez won the award for Best Actress – Television Series, Musical or Comedy, while the show was nominated for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. The series also received the Peabody Award and an AFI Award, and was nominated for Critics' Choice Awards as well as TCA Awards. Set in Los Angeles, the series details the surprising and unforeseen events that take place in the life of Jane Villanueva, a hard-working, religious young Venezuelan woman whose family tradition and a vow to save her virginity until her marriage to her detective boyfriend is shattered when a doctor mistakenly artificially inseminates her during a checkup. To make matters worse, the biological donor is a married man, a former playboy and cancer survivor who is not only the new owner of the hotel where Jane works, but was also her former teenage crush.
Jane the Virgin April 13 2016 Pinoy Tv HD Video
Jane the Virgin is an American satirical romantic comedy-drama television series developed by Jennie Snyder Urman, that debuted on The CW on October 13, 2014. It is a loose adaptation of the Venezuelan telenovela Juana la Virgen created by Perla FarÃas. The series stars Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva, a working, religious young Latina virgin, who becomes pregnant after being artificially inseminated by mistake. The program parodies commonly used tropes and devices in Latin telenovelas. Jane the Virgin has received critical acclaim since its premiere. At the 72nd Golden Globe Awards, Gina Rodriguez won the award for Best Actress – Television Series, Musical or Comedy, while the show was nominated for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. The series also received the Peabody Award and an AFI Award, and was nominated for Critics' Choice Awards as well as TCA Awards. Set in Los Angeles, the series details the surprising and unforeseen events that take place in the life of Jane Villanueva, a hard-working, religious young Venezuelan woman whose family tradition and a vow to save her virginity until her marriage to her detective boyfriend is shattered when a doctor mistakenly artificially inseminates her during a checkup. To make matters worse, the biological donor is a married man, a former playboy and cancer survivor who is not only the new owner of the hotel where Jane works, but was also her former teenage crush.
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Jane the Virgin
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